
4 Steps to Honouring God With Our Food Choices

July 5, 2022

We all use food to bring us comfort and joy. It’s a way to celebrate our successes, connect with old friends, and share fun new foods with family. But what if we thought about how we were using food as a way of honouring God? Paul writes a lot about the body being an instrument […]

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We all use food to bring us comfort and joy. It’s a way to celebrate our successes, connect with old friends, and share fun new foods with family. But what if we thought about how we were using food as a way of honouring God? Paul writes a lot about the body being an instrument of praise to God. So when we eat things we know aren’t good for us or overindulge in ice cream just because it tastes good, are we being wise stewards of the body God gave us?

The Bible says in Philippians 4:8

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

We are to think on whatever is good, right and pure.

God wants us to think on whatever is good, right and pure. This means we should be aware of what we eat and how our food choices are impacting our health. A healthy diet helps us maintain a healthy weight, which in turn lowers the risk of developing obesity-related illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.

In order to honour God with our food choices we must consider how they affect our bodies. We need to think about how they are nourishing us physically: Is this food filling me up? Am I satisfied after eating this meal? In addition to nourishment we also need to consider if our diets are helping build up or tear down our bodies. If a particular type of food brings pleasure then it can be considered good; however if you notice negative side effects after eating something like indigestion then that would suggest that it isn’t beneficial for your body (Proverbs 25:16).

n his letter to the Corinthians, Paul points out that our bodies are made up of many parts, but all the parts make up only one body.

The body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. It’s also a gift from God and a part of the church, which is itself part of God’s body—the body of Christ. And what is the purpose of this temple? To worship God through our physical lives (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). So when we eat food that’s not good for us, it’s like spitting on our own temple or defiling it in some way.

When Paul wrote to the Corinthians about honoring God with their bodies in 1 Corinthians 6:18-20, he was speaking specifically about sexual sin (such as adultery), but I think we can apply this principle more broadly—to all aspects of life that affect our bodies. How would you measure up against these standards if your life were put under scrutiny by someone who wanted to know how well you were living out your faith?

We honour God with our bodies when we take care of them properly.

We honour God with our bodies when we take care of them properly. Our bodies are a gift from God, so we need to treat them that way. When we don’t treat our bodies well, it’s like we’re throwing away a gift from God.

God created our bodies and he gave us life through Jesus Christ. We should take care of our bodies because they were made by God and because God gave us life through Jesus Christ.

God gives us life and he wants us to enjoy it. He also wants us to enjoy the food that he has given us.

God gave us food to enjoy. God said in Genesis 1:29, “See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food.”

This verse tells us that God has given us everything we need for nourishment. He also wants us to enjoy our food. In Proverbs 23:20-21 he says, “Be not among drunkards or among gluttonous eaters of meat.” We should not waste away our lives over food or drink.

God wants you to enjoy life! Don’t waste your time on things that won’t give you true joy and lasting satisfaction!

Food is a blessing from God. It’s not bad or evil! However, it can be misused and abused just like anything else he’s given us. Let’s use this blessing well!

Food is a blessing from God. It’s not bad or evil! However, it can be misused and abused just like anything else he’s given us. Let’s use this blessing well!

Food has been with us since the beginning of time and was an integral part of our life before sin entered the world. Food sustains our bodies and gives us energy to do what we need to do each day (work, play etc.). It was also used as an expression of love when we celebrated special occasions such as birthdays or holidays with special meals together as families or friends.

Being aware of what you’re eating and how you’re nourishing your body is a great way to live in a healthy balance every day.

Healthy eating is a lifestyle, not just a diet. It’s important that you’re aware of what you’re eating and how it nourishes your body. Here are some factors to consider:

  • What am I eating? Do I know the ingredients of each food item? Are there preservatives or artificial sweeteners in my meal? How was this food grown, harvested and prepared? What impact will this have on my health long-term?
  • How am I eating? Am I chewing thoroughly before swallowing my food, or do I tend to wolf down meals in a hurry without really tasting them (and consequently not enjoying them)? * How does it feel to eat like this for every meal for months or years on end? What about if this becomes my normal way of life—is it sustainable for me over time with no breaks from the norm whatsoever (think “eat-sleep-work”) as opposed to occasional treats here and there throughout the day/weekend/year.* Is there an aspect of my health that’s being neglected because of unhealthy eating habits—for example: digestion issues like constipation; heartburn issues; frequent stomachaches; bloating after meals…etc..


So before you toss that burger or order that pizza, take a moment to consider what God has given us in the food he has provided. We should be grateful for it and enjoy it every day! But we can also take care of our bodies by making wise choices about the foods we eat. It’s all about finding the right balance that works for you and your lifestyle.

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