Let’s talk about weight loss.
The diet industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that makes money from telling you how you “should” lose weight. Sometimes you feel like you’re doing the right thing, but when it comes down to it doesn’t work! And instead of changing your lifestyle, you start over on Monday and buy into short term fixes like detoxes or cleanses.
I’But, good news, I’m going to help you get past this hurdle.
So, when, it comes to weight loss, I think we can all agree that we want to change our lifestyle instead of starting our diet over every Monday.
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about how you actually do that.
The first thing is learning how much food your body needs in order to be healthy without starving yourself or eating more than your body needs, one of the easiest ways is to use a tracking app, my personal fave that I’ve been using since 2003 is MyFitnessPal and you can get your free trial of the app here
The second thing is learning what foods are healthy for your body so you can eat them without feeling guilty or deprived.
The third thing is learning how much exercise your body needs and giving it more of that.
We all know what a diet is. A diet is something that’s restrictive, something you “go on.”
But when we say “diet,” what do we mean? Do you think of it as a restriction on what you’re “allowed” to eat or do you think of it as a way of life?
I’ll let you in on a secret: A diet doesn’t mean anything unless it’s accompanied by a lifestyle change. All of our weight loss plans are accompanied by a healthy eating plan and a workout plan created by our expert trainers to ensure you reach your weight loss goals.

Let’s be real: there’s no such thing as a detox. Your body has its own state of the art, built-in system for getting rid of waste products, and it does a great job. The liver, kidneys, and lungs do their best to filter out anything that isn’t supposed to be in your body—and if they can’t get rid of something on their own, they’ll send it off for elimination via bowel movements or urination (or both). And unless you’ve been eating nothing but hot dogs dipped in toxic chemicals for the past few months (which we wouldn’t recommend), there’s no need to detoxify yourself with crazy diets or supplements that promise miraculous results but only contain more rubbish than what they’re supposed to cleanse away!
We should all be eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables daily anyway—that way our bodies will already have everything they need to carry out their natural functions smoothly without any extra help from fads!
Cleanses are the worst! I’m sure you’ve heard they’re all the rage at the moment, but they’re not. Cleanses don’t work, and in actual fact, they can be dangerous. Here’s why:
You see the thing about our amazing bodies, is they’re already pretty good at getting rid of toxins. It doesn’t need help from a juice cleanse or a tea cleanse or whatever else people are doing these days to “cleanse.”
They can also be dangerous because they can cause dehydration (and who wants to go through life dehydrated?) or leave you feeling hungry because you don’t have enough protein to increase your energy levels. In addition, many cleanses don’t actually teach you how to eat healthy–they just tell you what not to eat! That’s helpful how?!
So yeah, don’t do cleanses—they’re complete nonsense!
The phrase “I’m on a diet” is so misleading! It implies that we’re all going to be on this diet forever, which I can’t zthink of anything worse than doing that.
When it comes to losing weight it should never be about a list of rules or do’s or don’ts, you should be able to have whatever foods you enjoy in a balance (sorry I don’t believe in moderation as that’s subjective to the individual ) you should also be able to do so, without feeling guilty or ashamed about the foods you eat. Research shows (and common sense confirms) that eating healthy is good for everyone regardless of their body type or size; plus it makes us feel better both physically and mentally!
Keep it simple and you’ll be on your way to a healthy lifestyle.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the “healthy” advice out there.
But if you’re looking for a simple way to improve your health, the best thing you can do is start by making small changes. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and don’t be afraid to try new things. You might fail or succeed, but either way it’ll be an adventure!
I’d love to work with you!
I’m excited to help you make the changes you need in order to be your best self and live your best life. If we’re a good fit and you’re someone who wants to take action and make the changes you need, then let’s chat—head over to my website, [website name], and see what fits your needs the most.
We know that it can be tricky to navigate the world of health and fitness, but these phrases are just plain wrong. They don’t help you lose weight or get healthy. In fact, they could even do harm by making you think that diets work when they don’t! We hope this article helped clarify some things for you and encourages you to keep it simple when it comes time for your next meal or snack choice.
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