
How To Have a Healthy Relationship With Food

February 16, 2023

Some people believe that losing fat means sacrificing your healthy relationship with food. APPLE PODCAST | STITCHER | GOOGLE That’s just not true! In fact, having a healthy relationship with food can actually help you lose weight. If you are interested in fat loss, you first need to establish a healthy relationship with food. If […]

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From years of yo-yo dieting and meal prep aversion to the top 2% of global podcast listeners, meal prep cookbook author, macro coach, and meal prep coach.


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Some people believe that losing fat means sacrificing your healthy relationship with food.


That’s just not true! In fact, having a healthy relationship with food can actually help you lose weight.

If you are interested in fat loss, you first need to establish a healthy relationship with food.

If you are interested in fat loss, you first need to establish a healthy relationship with food. That means being patient and consistent.

You may be tempted to jump on the latest diet trend or cut out certain foods altogether, which mainly tend to be carbs or fat, now this excludes those who do so for medical reasons and they tend to be guided by a medical professional.

When restricting yourself from whole food groups, can cause more harm than good because it makes you feel like you’ve failed when you inevitably “fall off the wagon”–which is inevitable if you’re doing a restricted diet! The important thing is not just what you eat but how much & the QUALITY of foods you’re eating; eating too little can actually cause your metabolism to slow down, which then makes it harder for your body to burn fat because you’re only getting enough to keep you alive.

You can have a healthy relationship with food and still lose fat.

A healthy relationship with food can actually help you lose weight. You first need to establish a healthy relationship with food.

If you want to lose weight, eat more and move more. My clients in my macros group coaching program know this well, we cover this in our macros group coaching programme, you can join us here

The truth is when trying to build a healthy relationship with food, you don’t need any fancy diets; all you need is some consistency, discipline & and accountability a coach can help with this.

It also helps to realise that you can’t change your body overnight.

A lot of people think that weight loss is a quick process. They want to lose 20 pounds in the next three weeks and then they’ll be happy. However, the reality is that losing weight takes time–and it’s not always easy or fun!

You need to make small changes in your diet and exercise routine that you can stick with over time. If you try something new and then give up after two weeks because it doesn’t seem like it’s working fast enough, then there won’t be any progress at all!

Small changes add up over time–so make them every day!

Small changes are easier to stick to than big ones. You can make small changes daily, but if you try to change everything all at once, it’s much more likely that you’ll fail.

Small changes are more sustainable over time. If you’re making little tweaks here and there instead of overhauling your entire diet or lifestyle, then it’s much less likely that those tweaks will be temporary and fad-ish–and therefore ineffective in the long run.

Smaller steps lead to bigger success! Small changes can lead directly to larger ones (like going from eating one healthy meal per day to eating five), but they also give us something concrete on which we can build our self-confidence as well as our results!


It’s possible to have a healthy relationship with food and still lose fat. You just need to find what works best for you, your body, and your lifestyle.

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