Why your mindset matters most in your weight loss journey

July 26, 2022


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My passion is to help as many families as I can make meal planning so easy, you'll wonder why you didn't start planning sooner. 

I'm Verona —jesus follower, podcast host, author & nutrition coach

In this episode of the podcast, I discuss why your mindset matters most in your weight loss journey.

When it comes to losing weight everyone is different. Some people find success easily, while others cna struggle with their weight for years. The truth is when it comes to losing weight, it isn’t just about reducing your calories so low that you can hardly think straight and then exhausting yourseld with too much exercise. It’s also a matter of your mindset—how you think about yourself and your body, how much confidence you have in your ability to lose weight, and whether or not you believe it’s possible at all.

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If you want to lose weight but haven’t been able to so far, don’t worry: there are things about yourself that can help make this happen! There are a lot of things that can hold us back from successful weight loss, but you can do it! Understanding the mindset that makes this possible is half the battle.

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You need to believe that you can lose weight

The most important part of losing weight is believing that you can lose it. It’s the first step to success and it’s what gets you started. If we had not believed in ourselves, I would have never started my journey on Weight Watchers or been able to make the changes necessary to lose the weight. Believing in yourself is a powerful tool that will help get you through any struggle or challenge while losing weight.

Believing that you can lose weight is also an important part of being successful because if you don’t believe in yourself, then how are going to follow through with anything? You need to believe in your ability as well as your desire for something before doing it!

You need to understand how nutrition impacts your body

  • You need to understand how nutrition impacts your body
  • Food is the fuel of the body. What you eat is what you are and what you become. If you want to become something different than what you are, then change your diet. Nutrition is not about cutting out certain foods or eating a set number of calories, but rather focusing on eating real food that will help your body function at its best so that it can burn fat efficiently and keep it off for life. This doesn’t mean depriving yourself or depriving yourself of anything in particular; instead, it means learning how to make better nutritional choices by researching what foods might be good or bad for weight loss (and why).

You need to be willing to work at it every day

Weight loss is about more than just exercising and eating well. If you want to lose weight, you need to be willing to work at it every day.

This isn’t something that happens overnight. It takes time and dedication—and the results aren’t always immediate or obvious. The truth is, developing healthy habits takes time; these are things that you’ve likely been doing for years now, so they’re going to take some practice before they feel natural again (if even then!).

But if you’re willing to commit yourself fully and put in the hard work of changing how you think about food and exercise, losing weight will happen naturally over time as well!

You need to make it a priority

Your mindset is the most important thing when it comes to losing weight. You need to make it a priority in your life. This means making time for your workouts, eating healthy foods, doing things that are good for you, spending time with friends and family and just taking care of yourself!

You need to make healthy choices whenever you can

  • Build healthier habits. If you don’t have the time or energy to cook healthy meals, think about ways that you can incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. Rather than reaching for the sugar-laden snack at work, try eating an apple—you’ll feel fuller longer and get some much-needed vitamins in the process!
  • Make sure your body gets enough fuel for exercise by choosing foods high in protein (like lean chicken breasts), complex carbohydrates (like whole grains), fat (such as avocado), and fiber (like nuts). Your body needs all four of these nutrients to function properly. Eating a balanced meal will ensure that you have enough energy throughout the day so that you can get moving when it’s time to exercise.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water before meals as well as throughout the day—it helps keep digestion regular so food moves through your system faster! Try adding lemon juice or mint leaves if plain still water gets boring fast; they’re both natural appetite suppressants too!

You need to give yourself credit for the good choices you’re making

It’s easy to get down on yourself when you can’t seem to make progress. But it’s important to remember that even if it doesn’t feel like it, every day is a victory in this journey. You are making choices that are good for your body and your health, so give yourself credit for those things!

You may not be able to eat perfectly all the time (no one can), but notice what decisions you make when temptation strikes, and focus on progress instead of perfectionism. If you find yourself thinking “I should have never had that donut! Now I blew my diet for the week!” step back and look at what else happened in your day: did you go for a walk? Did you go running? Did someone tell them how great they looked in their new clothes? These little victories add up over time into something big: momentum! Focus on the positive aspects of each day, then build upon them with each new decision made with intent towards health and wellness.

The more you feel in control, the more motivated you’ll be

The more you feel in control, the more motivated you’ll be.

When you’re working toward a goal and feeling like your life is out of control, it’s easy to become frustrated and give up. When that happens, try taking a step back and realizing how much progress has been made so far. Remember that each day brings another opportunity for success!

No one but you is going to lose the weight for you.

The bottom line is that if you want to lose weight, then there will be no one but you who loses the weight for you. If someone else were going to do it for you, they would have done so by now. You need to take responsibility and accountability for your own weight loss.

You can choose how much of a role others play in your success or failure by choosing how much control over yourself (and your environment) they get when it comes to food choices and lifestyle habits like exercise and sleep patterns.

If someone asks why they should follow their diet plan, a good answer would be: “Because I care about my health” or “Because I want to live longer” or “So that I can have more energy and feel better about myself” etc… But don’t fall into the trap of saying things like: “My doctor told me…” “I feel guilty if I eat this…” “My mother said….” All these reasons are external ones which lead us away from taking responsibility for our own actions because we don’t seem them as being ours anymore!

Let’s work together

If you’re looking to lose weight, the first thing to do is make sure your mindset is right. It may seem like a simple thing, but it can make all the difference in whether or not you succeed.


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I'm Elle —copywriter & marketing strategist

I’m a meal planning reformist because, not too long ago, I’d break out in hives at the thought of eating the same boring food five days in a row (seriously, even the broccoli turned brown from being overcooked). But now that I know how to simplify healthy eating without the stress, I help busy women (who shudder at the "what's for dinner" question every evening) finally make eating healthy easy, enjoyable, and sustainable.

Jesus Follower, Author, podcast Host, and Meal Planning coach 

I'm Verona — I help busy women make meal you'll enjoy.

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