was $27 now $12

get the toolkit!

You finally get to enjoy meals that don't take forever & a day to make


Well the Meal Prep Toolkit helps you swap that $1200 (a month) grocery bill for a much friendlier number and make meal prep fun again. Yeah, you read that right, meal prep can be fun.

Ever wish you had a dollar for every time you heard "Mom, what's for dinner"? 

i need this!


Meet your stress-free life head-on with our treasure chest of 50 varied, foolproof recipe ideas.

Dive Right In

Forget the back and forth to the store. Our Grocery Planning template makes sure one trip is all you need, getting you everything for the week, hassle-free.

The Grocery Game-Changer:

Use our meal guides for straightforward dinner ideas. Less hassle, more time for you.



 Anna M.

"I LOVED the recipes Verona provides, they were super simple for me to make for me & my family." 

"I realised that I don't have a healthy relationship with food. I was so busy chasing skinny that I forgot to love me first" — Keshia S

"I finally feel confident that with my body now! Meal Planning is helping me with my relatinsip with food first."

Spending hours scrolling through Pinterest Recipes (that you won't cook)

Buying groceries with good intentions, but then end up going to waste

Trying to meal prep for the week, but find it overwhelming and stop

Following rigid meal plans that promised simplicity, but they were boring 

Signing up for Green & HelloChef, but ended up wasting money
  • Seriously, another 'what’s for dinner?' SOS averted.

  • Just me, rocking the express lane with my list... like a boss.

  • Kids devouring veggies without the dinner table showdown! Who's kids are these?

  • Feeding the squad gourmet-style, and still nailing the budget.

  • Effortless meal prep – done and done way before  afternoon cartoons are over.

  • The fam's new dinner fave? Spoiler: It didn't come in a takeout box.

However, NONE of that helped them save time or reduce stress.

what you're getting

Meet the Simple Meal Planning Toolkit. It’s your step-by-step guide to creating tasty, balanced meals without fussing about calories. 

A step-by-step guide to eating just the right amount at every meal.

Quick & Simple: 50 Meal Ideas for Any Time of Day

 You get 50 easy to follow recipes, designed to simplify dinnertimes.

 No more guessing games for dinner - just good food and stress-free nights.

meal planning that you enjoy

No matter your meal prep expertise, this Toolkit lets you tailor meals, snacks, and breakfasts to your liking.

Lock in your $12 deal!

Sneak peak!


  • You're don't know where to start with meal planning, but you're ready to get started.
  • You're determined to stop impulse shopping.
  • You prefer simple, easy-to-follow recipes.
  • You aim to cut down on takeout and convenience food expenses.
  • You're committed to making meal prep a consistent habit.

This Toolkit Is For You if...

Oh, the days of wondering "how the heck do I even start?" I still remember those thoughts of wanting to stick with it. I used to totally dread meal planning. Saving recipes on Pinterest was easy. But sticking to chicken, broccoli, and rice for a week? Hard pass! McDonald's and I became best friends.
A decade-long devotion to a chicken sandwich, fries, and a Coke EVERY DAY. Yet, the idea of sticking to the same healthy meal day after day? Couldn’t do it.It was all fun until it wasn’t...

The Turning Point

When I gained weight, I lost confidence. The person in the mirror wasn't the woman I wanted to be. Outside, all smiles; inside, I was falling apart, –and food was my trusty diversion. Burgers with extra everything. The creamiest ice cream, donuts by the dozen, and a soda fountain on tap.

That a wake-up call? It hit hard when my health failed. I realised I needed to stop using food like a band-aid for my problems. After a few honest counseling sessions, it hit me. My problem wasn’t just loving food too much. It was using food to dodge bigger issues in life. These issues included rejection and my top-tier skill in people-pleasing. 

The Revelation
Guess what? I used to think meal planning was the absolute worst. Picture me! I'm the queen of "let's just order in." I'm trying to convince myself. Spending Sunday with a bunch of containers was a good time. Spoiler alert: it wasn't gonna happen. If I'm honest, back then. My relationship with food was like that one TV show you watch. Not because it's good, but because you've seen three seasons. Now, it's a matter of principle. I was eating the same old boring food and wondered why I wasn't excited about my meals. Shocking, right?


Then, one day, I got it!

You know that moment when you realise you've been doing something wrong all along? It can be a bit embarrassing, but it's also a chance for a fresh start. That's exactly what happened to me... I got very interested in nutrition coaching. I didn't want a quick fix diet, but to understand the importance of eating well.

Fast forward to today, and I am now a certified Sports Exercise nutrition coach (Levels 4 & 5).  The host of a top 2% podcast. I've written a book on making meal planning easier. If you had told me a few years ago that this would be my life, I wouldn't have believed you.

THIS is why the Meal Planning Toolkit exists today, designed for women who find meal planning overwhelming, to help
you save money on groceries (shop ONCE). It saves time in the kitchen and helps you rediscover the joy of cooking. Make meal planning a highlight of your day with this toolkit.

ENJOY! As much as I did creating it for you!

I’m Verona Angol, your go-to for Meal Planning that you want to eat

"Before the 'Super Simple Meal Prep Toolkit', I was clueless in the kitchen, but with hungry kids, I had to sort it out. This toolkit surprised me. Simple recipes, no fuss ingredients, and real savings. I gave it a shot and it didn't disappoint. If you're looking for a no-brainer way to feed your family, this is it."

GET STARTED for only $12!

  • Covers Every Meal: Breakfast to dinner, plus snacks. Easy and budget-friendly picks.

  • Saves Money: Cuts down your grocery bill and keeps shopping simple. 💃

  • Easy Guide: No-fuss meal planning guide. Straight to the point.

  • Grocery List Template: Helps you buy what you need, not another box of fruit loops you don't.

  • Tasty Snacks: Because who doesn't like something sweet afterwards?

  • Finally, a way to feed the fam without buying veggeis we don't eat

  • Ready to Simplify? Dive into your meal-prep journey.

Dive Into Easy, Budget-Friendly Meal Planning Today.

buy today for $12

basic plan 

6 weks of super simple meal plans - 50 recipes that can last over 6 weeks, that include, breakfast recipes, lunch, and dinner recipes, a simple grocery list and meal planning template & snacks perfect for when you want something sweet 

value of $97 

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