4 Things You Need to Do Before Tracking a Single Macro for Fat Loss

August 6, 2023


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From years of yo-yo dieting and meal prep aversion to the top 2% of global podcast listeners, meal prep cookbook author, macro coach, and meal prep coach.

I'm verona —meal prep coach for women who want better health

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Before you start googling “What are my macros?“, or “How to calculate your macros?” you gotta start with these must-do steps:

How To Track Your Macros

Define Your ‘Why’
Weight loss, particularly macro counting for weight loss, is more of a marathon than a sprint. Knowing your ‘why’ (losing weight to run after your kids or to rock that wedding dress) will fuel your journey like nothing else!

Verona Angol

Ever tried convincing a 2-year-old that veggies are fun SUCCESSFULLY? Then you, my friend, have all the negotiation skills needed for a diet plan! But when motivation wanes (and there will be days!), having a tribe to cheer you on can be the ace up your sleeve.

Craft A Cheer-Squad

Jumping into the macro pool without understanding nutrition is like trying to knit without knowing what yarn is. (You really wanna wing it?) Learning about macros beforehand will save you from those so called “pseudo-experts”.

Educate Before You Calculate!

Just like building a dream house, start with a strong foundation first. Develop a mindset to lose weight and sticking with your plan is like sticking to your dreams of a walk-in closet (we all have one, admit it!).

Build a Solid Foundation

“Tracking macros for beginners… Is that a new TV show?” Sounds like it doenst it ha. Learning how to count your macros or understanding how do macros work for a weight loss plan might be simpler than you think. It’s not about being perfect, but about how you can be consistent – like keeping your favorite shoes away from the dog, every single day, now that’s consistency!

Embrace the Learning Curve!

Think of macros a bit like your weight loss buddies – proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. The trick in tracking macros is to know where these cool guys hang out (in your food!), how to invite them over (measuring portions), and deciding who gets to stay longer (personalising your macro plan!)

Fun with Macro Math

Let’s be real, any journey feels less intimidating when you’re well-prepped. Be it a road trip or a macro counting journey. With these four steps under your belt and a 15-minute FREE coaching call from us, you’ll be all set to embrace your exciting new lifestyle. And soon, you might just find yourself sharing your own tricks about how to lose weight with macros!

Tracking macros has never been so fun

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From years of yo-yo dieting and meal prep aversion to the top 2% of global podcast listeners, meal prep cookbook author, macro coach, and meal prep coach.

I'm verona —meal prep coach for women who want better health

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Who says meal planning needs to be boring? Your guide to quick easy meals

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Verona is a skilled nutrition and meal prep coach. She has been guiding clients on a transformative journey since 2018. Verona uses her expertise in macros, meal prep, and CBT to help people focus on self-care. She also helps them improve their relationship with food. Her own struggles with gut health for two decades led her to a pivotal moment of change. Through her own journey, Verona overcame sugar addiction and yo-yo dieting. She discovered the key to true freedom from strict eating habits. Now, she dedicates herself to helping others break free from dieting. She also helps them escape boring meal planning. 


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