What You Need to Know About Three Diet Mistakes That Are Keeping You From Losing Weight
Let’s talk about fat loss today on the Lose Weight With Macros: the basics.
You probably already know that losing weight and getting in shape isn’t as easy as just eating less and working out more if you’re a woman. I will tell you what three diet mistakes are preventing you from losing weight right now so you can finally achieve your weight loss goals.
So let’s dive right in.
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We’ve all heard the “eat less, move more” advice. And while it’s true that making lifestyle changes can help you lose weight, there are a few things that you may be doing—without even realizing it—that are keeping your body from having to use its own stored fat as a source of energy.
You’re not eating enough calories.
The most important part of any diet is calorie intake, but it’s also the most misunderstood. You might think you know how many calories to eat every day, but chances are your diet is still off-track if you’re not losing weight or gaining muscle.
If you want to lose weight and burn fat, then the amount of calories in each meal matters much more than whether or not they come from protein, carbs or fat. The only things that determine whether you lose weight or gain weight are:
- How many calories go into your body during a day (your total daily energy expenditure)
- How active you are during the day and at night (your total daily activity levels)
Your meal timing is off.
Your meal timing is off.
If you’re a woman who wants to lose weight, it’s important that you eat at least five or six small meals every day and make sure to space them out evenly throughout the day. Eating every 2-3 hours will keep your metabolism elevated, which allows your body to burn calories more efficiently all day long!
It really doesn’t matter what foods you choose for each meal as long as they are healthy. A good rule of thumb is that any food should be made from whole ingredients rather than processed ones like white pasta or refined sugar (i.e., anything with “low fat” or “lite” in its name). This means eating whole grains instead of refined grains, choosing lean meats over fatty ones and cooking vegetables by steaming them instead of frying them in oil!
You’re over-complicating your lifestyle changes.
- You’re over-complicating your lifestyle changes.
- You’ve been told that weight loss is a simple equation: calories in, calories out. So if you just eat less and move more, you’ll lose those stubborn pounds (or so the logic goes). But as we all know, it’s not that easy! Your body doesn’t work like a math equation; it needs things like sleep and stress management to effectively burn off fat—and even then it isn’t guaranteed to happen overnight. Instead of focusing on what foods you can or cannot eat, look at what habits will help keep you moving forward toward your goals. If that means cutting back on late-night snacks but allowing yourself dessert every now and then, go for it! Remember: good nutrition isn’t about perfection; it’s about finding balance between eating well enough to fuel necessary body processes while still having fun foods every once in awhile.
Sometimes losing fat is as simple as making a few changes to your diet.
- Eat more calories.
- Eat more often.
- Eat more protein.
- Eat more healthy fats, especially coconut oil and olive oil, which have been shown to reduce belly fat in women who consume them regularly (5 and 6). Also consider adding avocados to your diet; as a good source of monounsaturated fat (7) and potassium (8), they’re an excellent addition to any weight loss plan (9).
- Fill up on fruits, vegetables and fiber-rich whole grains such as oats or quinoa rather than processed foods like white breads or pastas made from refined flour that lack essential nutrients like fiber but contain lots of added sugar
So there you have it. Three simple changes that can help you lose weight and keep it off. If you’re looking for something new to add to your daily routine, start with these three tips!
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