Macros When Eating Out: A Guide For the Macros Tracking Novice

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I’m a big believer in the 6th love language.
I know, I know, it’s not real. But you can’t tell me that when you bite into a great piece of food, your mood doesn’t change instantly. Now that’s power!
And I’m not just talking about any old random pop-up on the corner with old oil stains and flies surrounding the food. No, I mean put you in a good mood kinda food – when it comes to food, it’s what I like to call the 6th love language—if you’re familiar with the Gary Chapman 5 Love Languages then you’ll know what I mean.
But if you’re like me, and tracking macros and eating out can easily turn into a carb-fest, it’s easy to get thrown into a tizzy.
I mean, not that I’m complaining—we love carbs around here! As much as I love my body, some carbs around here are just too good!
When you’re trying to eat out while counting your macros, it’s like playing a game of tic-tac-toe only with just one winning tile. One minute you’re hitting your protein goal, and the next minute you’re way over your fats.
Have you ever been in the situation where you’re at a restaurant and you can’t figure out what to eat?
Frustrating, right?!
I, mean when it comes to tracking your macros and staying on track I’d imagine you’d like to think of yourself as a pretty flexible eater, but when it comes down to it, you often seem to find yourself riding the struggle bus a bit too often, especially when it comes to knowing what to choose from the menu, which can then leave you feeling all kidns of flustured, then resorting back to what you know, what’s comfortable, and where see food, eat food, seems to have become a permanent residence of late.
That’s why I created this podcast on how to eat out without going off your macros.
Let’s get into it
Before you head off
When we’re dining out, it’s hard to remember why we’re cutting calories or staying Paleo. It’s OK to savor the flavor friend! Let me tell you how to have your favorite foods and eat healthy, too.
Here’s one thing I do kmow, when it comes to my signature macros group coaching, my clients know in focus on the fat loss (shameless plug here) know how to prepare a list of macros friendly foods that arent alwasy plain boring salads (though we love a salad) chances are if you’re eating that mostly during the week, when its time to eat out you dont want another salad right?
When recording this episode one of the things I wanted to do with the Macros when eating out: A guide blog was prepare you for the ride.
Have you ever been to an amusement park, and seen the ride from the ground and, you even mocked the people screaming because you, mistakingly thought “that does’t look so bad”? Only to find you highly underestimaed the ride altogether?
Well, this is exactly why I created the Macros When Eating Out A Guide handbook, because it prepares you for every eventuality
Wanna get your hands on one? Click here
I LOVE using myfitnesspal and have been since 2003 you don’t need to use it, but this is what I use and highly recommend and if you want to see what it’s all about you can check out the free trial.
DISCLIAMER: I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking my links here
Track your macros Alongside the MyFitnessPal app.
The MyFitnessPal app is a great way to track your macros when eating out. It’s easy to use and has a huge database of foods, so you can find what you’re looking for quickly. You can also use it on your phone or computer, which makes it convenient for tracking your meals no matter where you are or what device you’re using at the moment.
MyFitnessPal allows users to enter in their own recipes as well as scan barcodes on packaged foods to automatically add them into their daily log of food intake. You could even create a custom recipe by entering all of the ingredients into the system yourself!
It’s Child’s Play to track your Macros When Dining Out: I’ll show you how
It’s easy enough to track your macros on the go.
- If you’re using an app like MyFitnessPal or Lose It!, just enter in your meal as usual and add in any extra carbs, fat and protein for each item.
- If you’re not using an app, try keeping a pen and paper with you when eating out so that when presented with menu items that are high in carbs or fat (like fries), write down how many grams they contain before ordering them. This will help ensure that the rest of your meal is balanced properly!
Tracking in restaurants
You can track your macros when you eat out, but it’s a little more complicated than tracking at home.
- You’ll need to find out how many calories you need to eat in order for your body to function properly and then use a calorie calculator or tracker to find out how many calories are in the foods that you consume.
- If eating out with friends, make sure they know what you’re doing so they don’t offer any extra helpings or give advice on what foods might be better choices (such as “you should get dessert because it’s only 300 calories”).
You can still eat out and lose weight by tracking your macros.
You can still eat out and lose weight by tracking your macros.
Macros are important for weight loss, but it can be hard to stay on track when you’re eating out or dining with friends or family. You’ll need to plan ahead before you go out so that you know what you’re going to order and how many grams (or calories) are in each dish that sounds good to you. That way, when the waiter asks if anyone has any questions about their meal options, you’ll already have an idea of what works best for your goals!
Find restaurants that are friendly to counting your macros.
- Ask the restaurant if they have a menu that is macro friendly.
- Ask if they can substitute ingredients in your favorite dishes, like swapping out potatoes for veggies or omitting cheese on top of your steak, or having both but a smaller portion
- If you’re lunching with friends, ask if they are okay with you tracking your macros and possibly making substitutions based on what’s available at the restaurant, but don’t bring your scale with you there’s no need, I promise you
Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you’re unsure whether something is macro friendly.
If you’re unsure whether something is macro friendly, don’t be afraid to ask! The best thing you can do is always give the restaurant a call or send them an email ahead of time.
When placing your order with the waiter/waitress, ask if there are any substitutions available for certain ingredients in your meal.
Remember: Everyone has different needs when it comes down being healthy so make sure everyone understands yours before making any decisions regarding what food items should go into yours.”
Counting your macros is possible at most any restaurant, and it can be done well!
You know that feeling when you’re in the midst of a weight loss journey, and it’s hard to find time for cooking? Or maybe you don’t even know how to cook!
We’ve all been there–and we get it. It can be tough to make sure your diet is balanced when you’re busy with school, work, and life in general. But no worries–you can still enjoy eating out and losing weight by tracking your macros.
The best part about tracking macros when you’re eating out is that it’s almost always possible. Most places will have most of their menu items posted online or on their menus in-store so that you can see how many calories (don’t forget sodium) before you arrive or order. If there isn’t an exact number listed anywhere that you can see, be sure to ask someone who works there if they know how many calories something has, or follow the steps I share in episode 210
Eating out is a great way to catch up with friends, but it can also be tough on your budget. The key is always be prepared beforehand.
Don’t forget dessert!: If there’s room in your macros, don’t stress about having dessert at a restaurant! Most desserts are relatively low in carbs and sugar, so as long as you’re within your macros, you should be able to enjoy it guilt-free!
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