If you’re looking for a way to lose weight, counting macros can be a great option.
As soon as you know your numbers you’ll find it gets easier & easier to do.
And the best part?
You still get to enjoy the foods you love while also meeting all your nutrition goals.

When you use macros as you need to, not only do you start to see the benefitsm but you’ll also start to FEEL the benefits too.

Macros are a great way to lose weight, while still eating & enjoying your favourite foods
I teach my clients to do this by developing a customised plan that fits their lifestyle, not telling them what they can’t eat.

Why this way works
A macro is a short version of macronutrients, which simply mean nutrients in large quantities, like carbs, fats and protein. It gives you an idea of what foods you eat most often, and how to keep track of them.
You can do this using several apps, like LoseIt and others, some are free, and others have a premium version. My favorite is MFP (My Fitness Pal).
Grab your free macros guide here to get started and if you get stuck, give me a shout. I’m happy to help.
Macros help you by making sure that you get the macronutrients that you need.
The diet industry often gets us to believe that macros are cheating on our diets when it comes to losing weight, but when I first learned about macros, I thought I was cheating on my diet. When I realized this wasn’t cheating at all and saw the weight fall off and I was still able to enjoy chocolate (which is my FAVORITE) I knew I’d made the right decision and I decided to share my knowledge with others and teach them how to do this themselves.
I will teach anyone serious about losing weight how to track macros (except those who have developed an eating disorder or disordered eating through calorie tracking).
It’s hard to stay on track if you’ve got an all or nothing mindset; you feel bad and think you’ve failed if you don’t hit your macros or if you go over, so you quit counting macros. If you’re stuck, you’ve got two choices: stay the same, keep getting the results you’re getting, or do something new.
I’ve made it easy for you to get started on the latter here:
Download your free get started guide
Grab a macros session with me
It is easy to count macros, but it can be harder to find macro friendly recipes.
Although counting macros is easy, it can be harder to find and create macro-friendly recipes. When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s important that you eat whole foods, which is why learning how to count macros is so important. Your body will thank you when you start eating the right foods. You may also notice an improvement in your skin or hair when you start eating the right foods.
You can try these macro-friendly recipes:
Macros are a great way to lose weight because they allow you to eat the foods that you enjoy while still getting all of your nutritional goals met.
Having a personalised macros nutrition plan is a great way to help you lose weight because you can still eat foods you enjoy while still getting all of your nutritional goals met, as well as working towards your goals, whether weight loss or weight gain. It’s important to remember that this isn’t a fad diet. It’s a lifestyle change, and many people have been able to maintain their weight loss years after starting a macros nutrition program.
Hopefully you found the blog useful and enjoyed it. Finding a macro-friendly meal plan that works for you can be hard, but we’re here to help! If you want more tips on how to make counting macros easier or just want some new recipes (that’s also good for your body), check out our website at www.vanutritioncoaching.co.uk/focus. I’ve created a macros group coaching program for women who want to lose weight and don’t give up.
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