Is Motivation The Key To Losing Weight?

February 16, 2023


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From years of yo-yo dieting and meal prep aversion to the top 2% of global podcast listeners, meal prep cookbook author, macro coach, and meal prep coach.

I'm verona —meal prep coach for women who want better health

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When it comes to losing weight, motivation is everything.


You can have all of the best intentions in the world, but without a healthy dose of motivation, you’ll never last long enough to see your goals through.

The secret to having motivation is keeping track of your progress, no matter how small it seems at times.

It’s important not only that we see our progress, but also that we celebrate it even if it seems small at first glance. When we focus on what we don’t want like being overweight we tend not only to forget about all of our accomplishments over time but also give up hope entirely when things seem like they haven’t changed enough yet.

You’ve probably been through the cycle of losing and gaining weight many times.

When it comes to losing weight, motivation is everything. Make sure your goal is a specific and tangible one.

It’s not easy for anyone who wants to lose weight–even those who have done it many times before! But if you want lasting results, then staying motivated while losing weight must become part of your plan.

Make sure your goal is a specific and tangible one.

The more specific and tangible your goal is, the better!

The reason why most people fail at losing weight is that they don’t set themselves up for success by choosing goals with enough detail so they can actually achieve them. Instead of saying “I want to lose 20 pounds” which doesn’t tell you anything about exactly how much weight you want to lose you should say something like “I’m going to lose 20 pounds in 90 days by eating healthy food three times per day.”


If you have a specific goal in mind and you focus on it, you’ll find that it’s easier to stay motivated even when times are tough. Plus, if you keep track of your progress along the way no matter how small you’ll be amazed at what those little wins can do for your confidence and motivation levels!

Visit my website to learn more!

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From years of yo-yo dieting and meal prep aversion to the top 2% of global podcast listeners, meal prep cookbook author, macro coach, and meal prep coach.

I'm verona —meal prep coach for women who want better health

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Verona is a skilled nutrition and meal prep coach. She has been guiding clients on a transformative journey since 2018. Verona uses her expertise in macros, meal prep, and CBT to help people focus on self-care. She also helps them improve their relationship with food. Her own struggles with gut health for two decades led her to a pivotal moment of change. Through her own journey, Verona overcame sugar addiction and yo-yo dieting. She discovered the key to true freedom from strict eating habits. Now, she dedicates herself to helping others break free from dieting. She also helps them escape boring meal planning. 


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