Courses & Coaching

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"I’ve Tried Everything… Why Isn’t Anything Working?"

What if the problem isn’t you—but the plan you’ve been following?

get the training

Hate cooking? No clue what to eat? I’ve got you. This course takes you through the basics of meal planning, so you can make dinner faster, stress less, and finally feel confident in the kitchen—even if you’d rather not be there. - Spoiler alert I used to hate meal prepping (still do) and I don't meal prep endless days of meals that I know I won't eat

The Meal Planning Mini Series

easy meals zero stress

let's plan this! 

Exhausted even after “doing it all”? This 5-part private podcast is for you. If you’re fed up with eating clean, working out, and still crashing by the evening, it’s time for a reset. Let’s get your energy back so you can power through your day—and actually have something left for yourself at night.

The Energy reset

put down that 5th cup of coffee

Let’s Nail Your Macros!

Guessing your macros? Dieting ‘til the cows come home and still not hitting your protein? You’re not alone. What if I told you there’s a way to plan your numbers, hit your goals, and finally take control of your nutritionwithout second-guessing yourself? In this workshop, you’ll learn exactly how to calculate your macros, adjust them when needed, and get results that last.

The 5 Step Macros Workshop

Get your macros right (finally)

"I finally know how to create balance in my household—and no more eating the same boring meals all week long!"

Miranda - past coaching client