Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

January 30, 2023


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From years of yo-yo dieting and meal prep aversion to the top 2% of global podcast listeners, meal prep cookbook author, macro coach, and meal prep coach.

I'm verona —meal prep coach for women who want better health

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Losing weight is not easy. It takes work and dedication, but sometimes, even that’s not enough to see results.


There are many reasons why you might not be losing weight and it’s important to figure out what they are so that you can take the necessary steps to change or adjust accordingly.

Don’t let someone else sabotage your efforts for losing weight.

Losing weight is not easy. It takes work and dedication, but sometimes, even that's not enough to see results.

The opinions of others can be a powerful distraction. It’s important to remember that someone else’s opinion is not a reason to give up on your weight loss efforts. In fact, it should motivate you even more!

If someone tells you that they don’t think losing weight is worth it or that they would never want to lose as much weight as you want them too, remember this: they are not in charge of your life or goals; only YOU are! Don’t let their negativity get in the way of what matters most–your health and happiness!

Remember that losing weight is about the long haul, not a short-term goal or crash diet.

Weight loss is not a short-term goal, it’s a long-term process. In order to lose weight and keep it off, you need to make sustainable changes that you can stick with for the rest of your life. This means avoiding crash diets and quick fixes that don’t last – instead of focusing on how much weight you want to lose in three days or two weeks, focus on making small changes that will add up over time into big differences in your body composition and health.

You need more sleep. Not getting enough sleep can mess with your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight, even if you’re eating right and exercising.

You need more sleep. Not getting enough sleep can mess with your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight, even if you’re eating right and exercising.

Sleep is important because it helps the body manage stress, which can cause us to eat more or less than we should. It also affects our moods and energy levels, which makes it easier or harder for us to make healthy decisions about food choices and physical activity levels.


You can’t give up on your weight loss goals, but it’s important to know that not losing weight doesn’t mean you’ve failed. The key is to find what works best for you and keep at it until it becomes a habit. And if all else fails, remember this: your health is worth more than any number on the scale!

Visit my website to learn more! https://vanutritioncoaching.co.uk/

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From years of yo-yo dieting and meal prep aversion to the top 2% of global podcast listeners, meal prep cookbook author, macro coach, and meal prep coach.

I'm verona —meal prep coach for women who want better health

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Verona is a skilled nutrition and meal prep coach. She has been guiding clients on a transformative journey since 2018. Verona uses her expertise in macros, meal prep, and CBT to help people focus on self-care. She also helps them improve their relationship with food. Her own struggles with gut health for two decades led her to a pivotal moment of change. Through her own journey, Verona overcame sugar addiction and yo-yo dieting. She discovered the key to true freedom from strict eating habits. Now, she dedicates herself to helping others break free from dieting. She also helps them escape boring meal planning. 


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